Welcome to Pausology!

A trusted space to learn about menopause and perimenopause and connect to a supportive community.

Created by experienced healthcare providers Dr. Claudia Levine and Nurse Practitioner Kate MacLaughlin.

We all need the “What's happening to my body?” talk — just like we needed it at puberty. 

That said, our current healthcare system does not do a good job of educating or supporting people as they navigate the expected biological process of hormonal change.

Pausology’s mission is to change that reality. We offer education, vetted resources, and community to help you feel informed, prepared, and supported as you travel the road of perimenopause into menopause and beyond.

Whether hormonal change is on the horizon, you’re in the thick of it, or you’re on the other side, we're here for you. 

You are not alone! 

There are literally millions of us going through it right now. 

Welcome to our Menoposse!

​MENOPOSSE™ (noun) men-o-pos-se: A circle of support, connection and shared resources around the experience of perimenopause and menopause.

Do you know what stage of hormonal change you’re in?

Curious about its timing and phases?

You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers!

Learn more about how Pausology can help you get informed and feel prepared for what’s happening now — and what lies ahead.

Our Mission

As experienced healthcare providers who care for a diverse group of people throughout all stages of hormonal change, our mission is to make the foundational education, resources and guidance we offer in our clinical practice accessible to anyone who needs it.

Be your best advocate

Complete your Hormonal Health History. It’s designed to help you take stock of your experience of hormonal change as well as summarize your health history. We encourage you to share it when you meet with healthcare providers to help you be your own best advocate.